
This is an interactive, mostly-autobiographical short story with nesting branches inspired by Everest Pipkin's Ravel. It was written for the 32bit.cafe Community Code Jam #3 in celebration of their one year anniversary. The prompt was, "What has creating a website done for you?" (You can view other entries here, and you can see my original entry.)

For the purposes of narrative flow (or due to poor memory), the order of events may be wrong and some things have been left out. For example, parallel branches may have happened at the same time, or realizations may have happened earlier or later. But the events themselves are true, even if cause and effect may be muddled

How to Read/Play

This interactive story uses nested details/summary elements. Click an action to expand the next part of the story. Click it again to hide its branch.

Links within the story open in a new window or tab, so that your place in the story isn't reset. If you close this window/tab, your progress won't be saved. (But it's pretty short!)

Accessibility Notes

The story should be accessible for keyboard users and relatively accessible for screen reader users, although details/summary elements may not work consistently with all browser/screen reader combinations. NVDA and Chrome worked best for me (a newbie).

I've also placed the details/summary elements within lists in an attempt to convey the nesting levels of the story and aid in navigation; hopefully it's not too verbose. 

If itch.io's embedding causes issues, you can read the story on my website. Please let me know if you have any accessibility issues or suggestions!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Tagsautobiographical, disability, Short
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen, Voice control
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, Blind friendly

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